
Showing posts from December 17, 2023

Rethinking Sustainability - a community project

The genesis of the Rethinking Sustainability occured at the November 2023 NENA conference, where we pitched the idea to an enthusiastic audience. That drew quite a few people who are keen to contribute episodes. The heart of  Rethinking Sustainability  is that it is a community project, bringing together many people and many voices. The idea of commnity activism is central to the book (please excuse the plug) that Mark Diesendorf and I wrote, The path to a Sustainable Civilisation . Often when people talk about 'sustainability', they're referring to the environment, but it's far bigger than that because it encompasses  a vast range of possible topics. Podcasts could also be on economics because - not suprisingly - this drives so much of our economies...and politics.  Crucially also, we should talk about society because ultimately, it's people who drive decision making. But also - and contrary to neoliberal thinking - we do not have a sustainable future without a s...